Old order changeth yielding way to new. Perhaps this can be very well said about physical therapy. The branch that started with mere massage has developed into various modalities. The newer development and addition of occupational therapy and Physiotherapy has made it even more convincing.

Physical therapy is an essential an indispensable branch in sports and exercise medicine. It aims at safe and swift return of the athlete to sport. Physical therapy is a coordinated effort between the sports physician and physical therapist.
The therapy has to coordinate with the healing process of the injury. Healing of a tissue occurs by phases of inflammation, granulation and cicatrisation. In phase one of inflammation aim is to reduce inflammation. RICE is prescribed. In phase two of granulation or repair aim is to promote healing. Functionally progressive, specific and balanced exercises are given. In phase three of cicatrisation aim is to strengthen and condition scar tissue. Sport specific and general fitness activities are given during this phrase. The approach should, however be individualised, gradual and observant.
Physiotherapy is a branch of medicine involving treatment of using various physical modalities. Physiotherapy aims to train athletes to meet biomechanical and physical demands of sports. It is used for prevention of injuries by task specific training and for rehabilitation of injured sportsman.

Cold, especially ice packs is very famous method for acute injuries in sports scenario. Hypothermia acts as an anaesthetic by inhibiting pain receptors. It reduces muscle tone. It reduces swelling by causing vasoconstriction. In acute Phase it is applied for 15 minutes to alleviate pain and swelling.

Heat is the most ancient form of remedy known to the mankind. Heat causes hyperaemia, improves metabolic processes and flushes out metabolites. It prepares stiff joints and tight muscles for exercise. Heat is applied in basically in two ways dry heat and moist heat.
Commonly used hot packs, soaked towels are types of wet heat. Dry heat can be applied by wax therapy, infra red light and ultrasound.
Ultra Sound uses sound waves. Waves penetrate up to 6cm into the tissue and cause deep heating. It is used to treat acute and chronic injuries.Phonophoresis is use of ultrasound waves to transport the locally applied medicine to the tissues.

Therapeutic baths
Though every region has its system of therapeutic baths. Author aims to summarise baths used in sports.
Rising Temperature bath is used for relaxation after the event. The temperature of the bath is progressively increased over half an hour up to tolerable level. It flushes metabolites from muscles and prevents muscle soreness.
Whirlpool baths are used after the event to promoter muscle relaxation. The body gets mechanical vibrations with benefit of warmth.
Contrast bath is alternate hot and cold immersions of injured part. It is used for circulatory disturbances and chronic injuries. The temperatures used are 40 degree for 3min and 20 degree for 30 sec.
Contrast bath causes autonomic stimulation and promotes reactive hyperaemia.
Physical bath is used before event for pushing energy into body. It aids release of adrenaline. A gentle hot shower is given followed by burst of cold water.