The phrase ‘protection is maintenance’ applies to every thing. In sports it applies to immobilisation of injured part. Immobilisation gives proper healing and protection. The immobilisation can be total as in cast or of particular movement as in tailor made orthotic.

Nothing is perhaps more famous in athletes, than taping. It is used to prevent re injuries. Tapes applied properly give support and aid to limit the movement in unwanted direction. They also give kinaesthetic awareness. As Tapes loose strength by fifty percent in fifteen minutes, hence they are used for a short time. However to avoid swelling and blisters, tape should not be tight and stretched. A good taping gives adequate support and comfort.

Slab and cast
Originally plaster of Paris was used to apply slab or cast. With advent of fibreglass material, the latter has become a better choice. Synthetic fiber glass materials are conformable, light and durable. Plaster of Paris is mouldable and user friendly. Slab is used for acute injuries especially with pain and swelling. It is applied on one side and not circumferential. The cast is used for more definitive treatment and for rigid immobilisation. Cast should have proper glove like fit for compliance. Extent of cast should be such that it immobilises part properly but adequately.

Knee braces

1. Lateral knee brace
Also known as prophylactic knee brace, is the commonest knee brace used by sports man. The brace has lateral upright. These prevent lateral knee injuries occurring due to valgus loads.

2. Knee Derotation Brace
These are also called functional knee braces and function to give stability to unstable joints. These claim to give translatory and rotational control. There is added proprioceptive awareness. The brace definitely gives comfort and hence better performance.

3. Patellofemoral orthosis
These are orthotics used to prevent and protect against various patellofemoral disorders. They have a common function of keeping patella centralised and stable during knee flexion. The said orthotic is good enough to serve the purpose.

4. Rehabilitation Knee Braces
These are long leg braces used to allow protected motion of injured. Rehabilitative brace are used for ligamentous; meniscal injuries and fractures. Most designs have bilateral uprights with Long lever arms and hinges. Hinges are designed to allow motion in the sagital plane. Compliance is high due to the comfort, user friendliness and cost effectiveness. It is also highly modifiable for changing ideas of mobilisation and exercises.